Toll Free: (866) FLY-BATS (359-2287)  or 715-463-3673

Who We Are

We are Fly By Night Bat Removal Specialist serving Northern Wisconsin and North-Eastern Minnesota.  We are located in Grantsburg, Wisconsin, 10 miles from the Minnesota border on Highway 70.  Keven is a Wisconsin certified journeyman carpenter with over 20 years of experience installing all types of exteriors, including siding and roofing.

What Really Is Quality Bat Proofing?

It would be senseless to remove bats from a building if their means of getting in was not repaired.  As Bat Removers with carpentry experience, we know how to locate and correct any possible bat entrances.  These could be on the roof, in the cornices, in any attic ventilation systems, in any flashings, within the siding, plus a variety of many other places.  Any and all such openings must be sealed to keep bats out.

 How Do We Get Bats Out? 

We are bat-friendly and want the bats to be kept alive and unharmed.  To do this we install one way door type devices on the main bat openings that we find.  This allows any bats that are on the inside to get out, which they will, because bats go out every evening to feed.

Do We Guarantee Our Work?

Absolutely!  We guarantee that your home will remain free of bats typically for the remainder of the present bat season and through the next year.  If bats re-inhabit your home within the time of your guarantee, we will return free of charge until the problem is solved. 

Why Call Fly By Night?

Because we truly care about protecting you and your home from bats and the resulting damages of bats.  We also care about the ecology system, which bats are an important part of.  Fly By Night can protect both your home, and the bats in it, by our bat-friendly exclusions.  We can also help  the Do-it-your-self home owner who wants to bat proof their own home. 

 What Other Services does Fly By Night Offer?

We are also able to remove other pests from your home such as birds and squirrels.  We provide home exterior, carpentry/ handyman services.  We can also provide and install bat houses for those who want to house bats on their property. See our other Services HERE



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